code for a shiny raikou in pokemon black

pokemon 10th anniversary Shiny Legendary.
I've been looking all over the place for codes for these Pokemon that were given out at the Zoroark movie, but no luck. I'm importing Pokemon Black, and would like to
AR Codes for Celebi/Raikou/Entei/Suicune.
Here is the Action Replay Code for the Crown Shiny Beasts + Event Celebi 10th anniversary Legendary dogs RAIKOU ENTEI AND SUICUNE ;P I'm also Adding to the
code for a shiny raikou in pokemon black
Shiny Code for BlackPokemon Black & White Shiny Action Replay.
06.07.2011 · Best Answer: Unless you have a DSi AR with the newest firmware its not going to work. there is no code that i know of for the european copy, you should
Biology Physiology. Raikou is a yellow tiger-like creature with black stripes that resemble lightning bolts and a white under-side. Raikou has a skinny, light-blue
Pokemon Black Shiny Modifier Code Shiny Code For Action Replay - Pokemon. Pokemon Black Version - Can somone make.
02.05.2011 · Best Answer: Here's a code that works 020195b4 fc24f7e8 02001e00 73b4b4ff 02001ffc bdf8bcff 02001ed0 88f488b0 02001ed4 88384044 02001ed8 0a004060 02001edc
Any fix on the Kanto Map Pokegear problem because Im having problems with it too Originally Posted by J-bad okay, thanks. In the meantime, does anyone have a code
Pokemon Black; Action Replay; Code to.
For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "Can somone make me a shiny raticate and shiny beldum action replay code For pearl or diamond?".

Pokemon Black & White Shiny Action Replay Code! Pokemon Black Action Replay ID: IRBO-106820A5 Pokemon Black Shiny Pokemon AR USA Code: 521a96d8 1f492104
Pokemon black action replay code for. Pokemon Black Version - Can somone make.